Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import timedelta

from django.conf import settings as django_settings

    from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
except ImportError:
    from django.db.models import get_user_model

[docs]class MissingOneAllSettings(KeyError): def __init__(self, msg=None): msg = 'Missing or invalid settings. Check django-oneall documentation for further info. ' + (msg or '') super(MissingOneAllSettings, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class AppSettings(object): def __init__(self): if not hasattr(django_settings, 'ONEALL'): raise MissingOneAllSettings self._settings = django_settings.ONEALL if not isinstance(self._settings, dict): raise MissingOneAllSettings self._default_login_widget = { None: "This is a dummy marker to indicate that the Django settings haven't been loaded yet.", 'providers': 'google facebook twitter openid'.split(), } self._default_share_widget = { None: "This is a dummy marker to indicate that the Django settings haven't been loaded yet.", 'providers': 'linkedin twitter facebook'.split(), } @property def credentials(self): """ Provides the credentials dictionary for the OneAll connection. """ try: return self._settings['credentials'] except KeyError: raise MissingOneAllSettings('OneAll site credentials missing.')
[docs] def login_widget(self, overlay=None): """ Provides the login widget settings as a dictionary, with an optional overlay. """ if None in self._default_login_widget: del self._default_login_widget[None] self._default_login_widget.update(self._settings.get('login_widget', {})) if overlay: result = dict(self._default_login_widget) result.update(overlay) return result else: return self._default_login_widget
@property def share_widget(self): """ Provides the share widget configuration. """ if None in self._default_share_widget: del self._default_share_widget[None] self._default_share_widget.update(self._settings.get('share_widget', {})) return self._default_share_widget @property def store_user_info(self): """ Whether to store personally identifiable information from users. Defaults to True. """ return bool(self._settings.get('store_user_info', True)) @property def max_username_length(self): """ Maximum length of usernames that are generated by the authentication app. Defaults to 30, which is compatible with the full Django 1.x branch. When ``store_user_info`` is set to ``False``, this will be the exact username length of authenticated users, and this calculated username will be used to determine whether that's a new user or not. If you used django-oneall<1.3 with Django>=1.10, some of the users will be duplicate with the larger length. Pseudorandom usernames, however, provide plenty of entropy at 30 characters, so we're restring to that at django-oneall>=1.3. Verify your data so your existing user accounts are not mis-identified. """ user_model = get_user_model() fld_len = user_model._meta.get_field('username').max_length max_len = int(self._settings.get("max_username_length", 30)) if max_len > fld_len: raise MissingOneAllSettings("OneAll setting 'max_username_length' is set to value %d, which is greater " "than the database field's length: %d" % (max_len, fld_len)) return max_len @property def token_expiration(self): """ The amount of time an e-mail login token is valid for. """ expires = self._settings.get('email_token_expiration_hours', 3) return timedelta(hours=expires) @property def default_url(self): """ Default redirect URL after login if ``next`` is not provided. This is just a standard Django setting. """ return django_settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL # Can be assumed to be set.
settings = AppSettings()